I have realized that I rarely put any photos of scenery on my blog. So today I stuck the camera in the stroller and captured what I see on my walk. It's a good little climb part of the way but levels off again soon so I get my breath back:) I think walking is my favorite type of excercise and I always enjoy getting out in the fresh air. I often catch glimpses of little green and black speckled lizards, as well as many lovely butterflies and interesting insects. I was really happy when I found this road because walking on the highway is not my cup of tea, what with screeching engine brakes, people hurling garbage willy-nilly from car windows, loud honking that scares me half to death, and the exhaust funes that leave me feeling nauseous. Also getting above the town reminds me of what a beautiful place I live - and makes me feel at peace with the world. I usually listen to my ipod and think and pray while I walk. I have to say a big thanks to my Mom who culminated the walker in me, with all our long walks to get the mail when I was a young girl.