Haha, the blog saddle that is - I'm not much for horse back riding:) I've had a bit of a long hiatus from blogging with my sister April here for two weeks and then our internet being on the fritz.
I had such a wonderful time with April! She's such a kindred spirit. We had great fun with the kids, cooking and baking, and going on a couple of trips. The highlight for me was hiking the volcanoe just the two of us (thanks again Zaak for watching the kids so I could go! You're the best:). We laughed almost all the way there at our driver who was circling Antigua at 6 a.m. in search of the Hotel Belen which turned out to be the Hotel Bella. Nice. Then the hike itself was freezing cold and windy until we got to where the lava was flowing and could feel it's heat. There were even people who brought marshmallows to toast! What a great idea.
Now Zaak's sister Salome is here and in just 3 short days we are making the trek to Mexico to meet up with the rest of my in-laws. We plan to break the trip up but it still means 7 hourish days of travelling, so that's a little hard on the kids. I'm praying they are healthy and up for it!
Awhile ago I got an email from Kurt where you answer a bunch of questions about yourself. One of them was "What four things are you looking forward to this year?"
Mine were:
1. The trip to Mexico
2. Acadia sleeping through the night
3. Moving back to Canada and becoming a home owner and
4. Welcoming two new members to my extended family, a brother in law and a neice or nephew. So lots to look forward to!
What's the new year got in store for you?