Saturday, October 28, 2006
As I was walking back from my neighbor's this week I noticed something strange. There was something amiss with my flower garden that's outside my bedroom. Two rose bushes, check, white flowering plant, check, aloe vera...? Where's my aloe vera plant? Somebody stole my aloe vera plant right out of the ground?!? I had to laugh it seemed so ludicrous. Later I was not laughing, because is the thief seeing what he can get away with or did he just really want an aloe vera plant? I'm pretty sure they're not expensive and mine was rather bedraggled looking to boot. So, that's my story. I remember Bernd from our home church in AB saying that there were hundreds of dollars worth of plants stolen from the church gardens there. So I guess plant thieves are not that uncommon around the world. Go figure.
Monday, October 23, 2006

We are expecting baby #2 on or around April 18, 2007! That makes me nearly 15 weeks along. I'm feeling good, just hungry all the time and more susceptible to headaches. I have a feeling that this one is a girl but we shall see! If it's a boy we need to figure out a name, we've got two girls names ready. So we're prepared for twin girls, haha. I have an aunt who has twins and she says she wouldn't wish twins on her worst enemy. Zaak's also feeling good and hasn't put on any pregnancy weight as of yet. (When I was pregnant with Blaise he gained 15 pounds!) I think Blaise is going to be a wonderful big brother, he will already kiss my belly when Zaak tells him to kiss the baby:) So sweet.
Monday, October 16, 2006
The Bug Bite Blues

I don't know if you can tell in the photo but Blaise has bug bites all over his face and hand, as well as a few on other parts of his body. I am also suffering the ravages of a bug feasting on my juicy flesh, with bites on both arms and legs. They itch like mosquito bites but one usually hears mosquitos before they bite, so maybe some kind of spider got us, who knows.
Blaise must have picked up on people using mics at church to sing, because he knew exactly what to do with this one of Zaak's when he found it. Funny boy. The things he picks up on totally amazes me. And I love how he is so easily engaged in any sort of play - anything I invent for him to do seems to delight him. Today Zaak and I were kissing him on his cheeks in unison, Zaak on one side of Blaise and me on the other, and man did he ever laugh. Big, mouth wide open, belly laughs. I love this kid!
Zaak is in the Capital tonight picking up a team so Blaise and I are holding down the fort. I'm thinking I will have a more peaceful sleep since last night Zaak was talking in French in his sleep. I do miss him though. Happily he will be back home with us tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
A Better Thanksgiving

We celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday with our other fellow Canadians here and it was a fabulous meal. It was better this year because we didn't bother with trying for a turkey. Instead we had yummy, plump roasted chicken! And when you're eating chicken with stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes - it's not too much of a stretch to imagine it's actually turkey. Also last year Ruth and I did a lot more of the cooking so we were totally exhausted by the time we got to eat. This time I just did the sweet potatoes and she did the pumpkin pies. The Peters's excellent cook Carmela did the rest, except Jessica made the stuffing. I skipped my usual pumpkin cheesecake because really who needs pumpkin pie AND cheesecake? Especially after stuffing yourself on the main course. Blaise's favorite part was my corn cob, that kept him busy gnawing for a good 20 minutes. So here's to our 2nd Thanksgiving in Guatemala! Hope everyone else's was wonderful too.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Happy Birthday Pretty Mumma

It's my Mom's birthday tomorrow so here's a little tribute to her. She's not, shall we say. technologically advanced enough to read my blog but hopefully someday. I'm still having trouble getting her to email me from an address I can reply to! Anyway... This photo of her is from the early eighties, and isn't she lovely. I don't see much of myself in her, my sister April is the one everyone tells looks like our Mom. I won't say how old she is but she had me when she was 20, so if you know my age - presto:) Happy birthday Mom, I love you and miss you.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
For the Love of Books

I'm reading this lovely book right now and am about a fourth of the way through it. I bought it in Montreal with April near the place that makes those delectable bagels. My goal is to make this book last the entire month of October, which will be quite the feat for me. If there is one thing I am good at it's reading at an incredible speed, too fast in fact. There have been times I've finished a book and then not been able to remember what it was about! Generally I'm not quite that bad, but I need to slow down. This is the second to last book I have to read before going to AB in December to restock my library. I've loved reading for as long as I can remember, even in elementary school I had a ravenous appetite for books. There's still nothing that can compare to curling up somewhere cozy with a hot drink and good book. I'm always slightly suspicious of people who don't like to read. A few all time favorites would have to be: Life of Pi, The Book of Sorrows, The Screwtape Letters, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Poisonwood Bible, Jane Eyre, Blue Like Jazz, The Narnia Chronicles, The BFG, The Diviners, and countless others. I wish I had a list of every book I've ever read. Bring on any recommendations you have for me to pick up when I'm in Canada por favor:)
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Market Finds

Last Sunday I hit the market and scored this little chair for Blaise and these roses. The chair was 15 quetzals (about $2.50) and the roses were 7 quetzals (about $1) - crazy hey. Blaise loves his chair - I think because it's just his size. He's recovering from two vaccinations he got on Monday, so sitting in his chair to recuperate has been what he wants to do. It's good too because we can control his distance from the TV. Before he liked to get as close as possible to it, but now we put his chair at a healthy distance for his eyes and he's happy.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Sirdar got Zaak and I into finding our movie-star look-a-likes. Ahhh, the countless things one can waste one's time on:) So it's pretty funny to see who they match you up with - I'm enjoying teasing Zaak about the Burt Reynolds match:) Zaak likes my Catherine Zeta Jones match and so do I, I have to admit. I wonder who Blaise would get if we did him? If you want to do yours go to Zaak's blog, he has the link there.

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