This is my opinion of the best and worst movies I've seen lately. The best was "Little Miss Sunshine" which we saw at the theatre in Moncton, NB. I laughed and I cried. A total 10 out of 10 and two thumbs up. I won't say any more so that I won't ruin ot for you. See this movie! That's an order.
Now the worst was on DVD - "A History of Violence" with Viggo Mortensen who plays Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings Series. He has completely fallen from grace in my books for doing this movie. I don't want to go into details but the fact that this is the worst movie I've seen in a long time should speak for itself.
Alright so bring on your bests and worsts, I'm curious what everyone else is watching...
Monday, September 25, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Goodbye Goldilocks

We cut Blaise's hair tonight after a couple of months of debating to cut or not to cut. Now people won't be mistaking him for a girl (we hope!) I was rather choked up as the first curls fel to the ground but he looks really cute. He's very much a little boy now and not a baby anymore. Plus he can't yank on his locks anymore when he's upset, the little mascicist. He is so funny these days too wanting to kiss and hug Zaak and I and his little friends Hania and Miguel all the time. Even his toys get his affection, especially the hippo and Zaccheus. He can also say thank you now, it sounds like da-doo but it's definitely thank you. Ah my son, genius in the making...heehee.
The Night Train

Bruce Cockburn has a song called "Night Train" and I am listening to it now. It's from "The Charity of Night Album" and one of my all time favorite songs is also on this album; "The Whole Night Sky." I remember hearing it on the radio driving home in the Toyota Corolla one night when I still lived in Smithers. I told Zaak about the song and he tracked it down for me awhile ago (sweetest of all men).
So we took the train from Moncton to Montreal and it was a long 14 hours through the night. Blaise slept from about 10p.m. til 6 a.m. somewhat fitfully, but at least he slept. Zaak and I caught a few hours too as best we could curled up on the seats. I read Bridget Jones' Diary when I couldn't sleep.
I have always wanted to take the train so now I can say I have. I would have preferred a shorter, daytime trip but hey it beats the bus. Count your blessings right.
Sing it out Bruce...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Home Again Home Again Jiggidy Jig:)
We're back home in Tactic now after a wonderful visit to Eastern Canada. It's a bit strange to be back but I'm glad that it feels like home. It's almost been a year now that we have lived here. So our trip was fantastic, great to see family and friends, to eat food we don't get to here, and take baths. The hardest part was saying goodbye to my sister April at the airport, I cried all the way through security and to our departure gate:( C'est la vie. I'm going to post some of the sweet shots I got from our trip right away.
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