Bruce Cockburn has a song called "Night Train" and I am listening to it now. It's from "The Charity of Night Album" and one of my all time favorite songs is also on this album; "The Whole Night Sky." I remember hearing it on the radio driving home in the Toyota Corolla one night when I still lived in Smithers. I told Zaak about the song and he tracked it down for me awhile ago (sweetest of all men).
So we took the train from Moncton to Montreal and it was a long 14 hours through the night. Blaise slept from about 10p.m. til 6 a.m. somewhat fitfully, but at least he slept. Zaak and I caught a few hours too as best we could curled up on the seats. I read Bridget Jones' Diary when I couldn't sleep.
I have always wanted to take the train so now I can say I have. I would have preferred a shorter, daytime trip but hey it beats the bus. Count your blessings right.
Sing it out Bruce...
Yeah, I love the train as well. I took it from Smithers to Prince Rupert and then more recently from Montreal to Quebec city. fun!
It took the train from Evansburg to Vancouver to start our bike trip from Port Angeles, Washington to San Francisco. I didn't enjoy it that much. For some strange reason CN figured that nobody wanted to see the mountains during the day....
A day-time trip would certainly be my preference as well! I wonder what the point is of going at night? I guess if you can afford a sleeper is when a night-trip is ideal.
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