...Or lack thereof!
Here's a shot of Blaise yesterday - notice the location of the large wet spot on his pants. I went into the whole "if you use the potty you won't have to wear diapers anymore" spiel and reminded Blaise that he has Diego underwear for when he starts using the potty all the time. Blaise was very keen to see his underwear so I took them out of the closet and spread them out nicely for him on his table. I left the room and when I saw Blaise next he had a pair of the underwear on his head and was riding his horse:) What a kid. He's developed a sense of humor before he has given up diapers. That's my boy:)
Don't fret too much about him and his potty training. From experience, when he is ready, he will do it. Boys take longer than girls too.
OK, I feel a but better about Noah. It's week three of potty training and the going is sloooowwwww. I wish it was warmer i I could just let him run around free as a bird, but our floors are cold and he has a sniffle.:(
That's a pretty happening green donkey Blaise is riding!
He is so funny! His mind knows but his body isn't responding. don't worry...it will eventually sink in...I know it's annoying...and gross...but some day you will laugh about it....and frame the photo....ha ha. Hope he's wearing them where they belong in Cancun :)
As Sirdar says, he will do it when he is ready, and not before. Just keep telling him what you did, and it will brain wash him into thinking it is something he CAN and wants to do and not necessarily what you are forcing him to do. He won't be in diapers in high school, unless there is something genetic that Zaak hasn't mentioned.
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