The books that help you most are those which make you think the most. The hardest way of learning is that of easy reading; but a great book that comes from a great thinker is a ship of thought, deep freighted with truth and beauty. -Theodore Parker
This past weekend with Zaak away and I decided to immerse myself in a new book. I had forgotten that April had brought me Khaled Hosseini's second book, "A Thousand Splendid Suns". He is the author of "The Kite Runner," and if you haven't heard of it you must be a hermit:) I was instantly drawn into the story and kept forcing myself to put it down and go do other things. I still finished it in less than a week though unfortunately.
The story jolted me out of my missionary Mama life and into another world (Afghanistan) where women receive no justice. Any self-pitiying thoughts I was having about being lonely flew right out the window. It reminded me how completly fortunate I am to have been born a Canadian.
I had a good cry when I finished the book - for the two women in the story and all the misery they endured. The joys in their lives made them endure the many hardships, and I think it is their resilience that moved me most.
So run, don't walk to your nearest library or bookstore and get this book. It will not disappoint.
I'm unhermit enough to have heard of The Kite Runner. I am too hermit to have read it, or the sequel. I am not good at that kind of growth. I usually avoid books with too much pain, however I am reading one from someone I have met and her story is wrought with pain and I have had trouble reading it, especially now, because I know what is coming next so I avoid reading it when I am stressed, not feeling well, or before bed. I will get through it.
Ah...a good book is worth a thousand sunsets... I'll have to check it out, since I've loved your past selections!
Tag you are it...I've tagged you for a meme..check out my blog for details..
Baby day tomorrow....YAY!Stand-by for details.
I read this a few months ago - great book. I thought Kite Runner was a slightly better book, but this was a good read. I agree, I also pondered the physical and emotional endurance of women after reading this book. You would probably like this book of short stories, Voices in the Hurricane by Katia Ulysse.
Thanks for the comment Amber, I found your blog through Under the High Chair I think.
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