Monday, October 26, 2009
"Where the Wild Things Are" Film Review

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
God Sees You... and (SURPRISE!) He Likes What He Sees
This is a song from a DVD Red Willow Church sent us (thanks again guys!) when we were living in Guatemala. It's called "Boz the Bear" and is from the creators of Barney BUT way less grating on the nerves :) It's also Christian, so the shows have nice little lessons about sharing and such. Why I'm blogging about this song is that I LOVE it's message. Forget teaching kids "Oh be careful little eyes what you see" and all those guilt/fear songs that are out there. I want my kids to know God thinks they are incredible, that He is delighted by them. I know I could have benefited from being told as a child that God is pleased by ME, and not just that I need to try and please God. So my kids are going to grow up believing that they are priceless in God's eyes, and that makes me infinitely happy. I actually wrote the words from the songs title in my friend Melaney's birthday card - because I think it's a beautiful thing to hear and internalize as an adult too. (P.S. Happy Birthday on Friday Mellykins!)
And so for your reading enjoyment, here are the lyrics to the song:
“God Sees You And He Likes What He Sees”
- By Angelo Natalie (Giggling Bear Music)
God sees you…and He likes what He sees
God sees you…and you’re special as can be
So look straight up to Heaven, shout:
“Thanks for making me!”
God sees you…and He likes what He sees
God made you….and you’re one of a kind
God made you…you’re always on His mind.
So smile up to Heaven, shout:
“Thanks for making me!”
God made you…and you’re one of a kind
So look straight up to Heaven, shout:
“Thanks for making me!”
God sees you…and He likes what He sees
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Preschool Dilemma
Friday, June 26, 2009
New Shoes Por Moi!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009
The Merits of a Wagon
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Color Me!
This is the kids doing some bath-time art the other night. All you do is add a couple of drops of food coloring to a bit of shaving cream and voila! Instant bath-time excitement :) Even Zaak wanted a paintbrush of his own to get in on the action! Do remember to wash your child (or self heehee) with soap afterwards or they will have slightly colored skin wherever they painted. Have fun!
Monday, May 04, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
I Learned a New Word this Week...
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Spring I Hope!
And this is today...now that's more like it! I am SO DONE with snow! (Acadia is donning earmuffs because she has a bit of a cold, and the air was still cool even thought the sun was blessedly hot :)
I was reading up on a friends blog earlier today and it made me feel sorry for mine, and for those of you faithful few who check it only to see it appears abandoned. So I have resolved to post at least once a week, be it simply a photo, quote, recipe or whatever I'm into at the moment. Cheers!