Yep, it's cold here in our house - hence the toques. We have also all been fighting colds this week, not fun. But we're on the road to recovery now. Blaise has also sprouted tooth number 2 this weekend the amazing little fellow:) I'm not quite as excited as I was about his teeth after he chomped down on me when he was breastfeeding the other day...youch that hurt.
Teeth? That would very quickly make me think of pablem (spelling?) But very exciting in the progress of his life steps.
oooch! I remember that! It is like a shock goes through you!
Pretty soon you will have the down comforter with you and then it will be warm again!
Did I tell you Noah has a cold now? The most incredible smokers cough, too.He's over the worth thank god, but it's no fun!
Hope it's a good long while before teeth!
Ouch, poor you. Well make sure you train him now to not bite down. Alysia did it once or twice but once mommy told her no very firmly (and put the breat away) she stopped.
Hopefully teething has not been bothering him to much.
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