Although they don't look it here, my two favorite guys are sick. Blaise is on the mend now but earlier this week had a growly little voice and was sneezing lots of cute little baby sneezes.
Zaak on the other hand is in the throes of his illness; the shakes, pale-faced, hot and cold flashes, runny nose and so on. I made him some chicken and rice soup tonight and some fresh-squeezed o.j. so he's being well-taken care of. He's also taking that wicked tasting oil of oregano we brought with us, ugh. I am feeling fine so hopefully I won't catch this but we'll see:)
You need some Coldfx..hope you are feeling better soon.
Uhh, I feel their pain. I have a head cold myself, fortunately Noah is resisting!
We're taking him to his first hockey game tonight!
Go Habs Go!
I'm sick now too! Must just be the season for getting a cold, no mattter what part of the world you're in:) You're brave taking Noah to a hockey game Aimee! The noise factor would deter me from taking Blaise but I'm sure Zaak would be all for it:)
whoops that wsn't zaak, it was me Amber:)
Danny blogs here about the game:http://www.bourquefamily.com/blogs/
Noah did so well! I think any younger and it would have been too much. He seemed rather unphased with all the noise, but LOVED the lights, TV, ect.
We were tickled.
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