This is Blaise's first Canada Day outside of the womb. Too bad we couldn't celebrate with fireworks and the like, although he probably would have been afraid of them. (He started crying when he was near a rooster that crowed the other day). So I tried to think of something to do today to celebrate but it's hard when everyone around us doesn't give a rip. Not that I blame them, I certainly wasn't interested in Guatemala Day (if there is one) when I lived in Canada. Last year we watched fireworks from our balcony in Spruce Grove with Brian, Karel, Meena and Angie - that was fun. I'd love to hear about everyone else's festivities today...
Well, the bands started practicing at around 9am for the parade and then Gabriel and I went on a Terrase and had breakfast while we watched the parade. The best one was a band imitating the Beatles (with wigs, suits and all). They sang fabulously! Although I have no idea how they relate to Canada day!
Sounds like a fun time Ape:) Are there any festivities that will be happening when we visit? Besides the film fest (obviously:) Will Shakespeare in the Park still be on?
We had our 10th annual Canada Day EVE Party.
Canada Day EVE Party
Hope there are other Canadians down that that appreciated your celebration!!
I bought some bottles of clearly canadian (which I'm happy to say have returned to the original flavor and almost original packaging) and toasted the say with Adam, my sis and her husband and played games all night.
Best Canada Day ever: (sorry Amber, it was before we met)
Working at summer camp, the week of going through the manual and cleaning up the camp - so no kids yet. The entire staff dressed up in red and white and we drove into Olds, Alberta for their festivities. We went to Dairy Queen first to get the fermenting process going (milk and sugar - oooh what a feeling) then we entered the presentation grounds (mini rodeo) where local people told poems, did barrell races, sang country music, did line dancing competitions. Our group was a bit rowdy. At one point, we were asked to stop chanting "Gary, Gary, Gary... " I think Gary sang a song - we didn't know him, but we liked the song, so we decided to be his groupies for the night. Fireworks followed - about 15 minutes.
I love Canada Day! It is a day off with pay! Always good memories. One year Salome and Brad were at Bower Ponds with me...and this year Saison and Dean went there and joined me! Really fun bands...sat and listened...then walked to the bridge over the Red Deer River and watched the fire works. Then Saison and I looked at all my photos. It was really hot here and I rode my bike for an hour and got a really good tan....
I love Canada Day....I think Im gonna get my citizenship this year...atleast dual.
Saison, you are soooo cute!
That was when you cut your hair off?! I really liked it...brougt out your beautiful eyes. What a sweetie PIE! It was a fun Canada Day and I think the hug good night was one of my favorite parts.
See you soon!
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